#4 — Brett Solomano — Conquering Fear, Adapting Quickly & Overcoming Stress

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#4 - Brett Solomano - Conquering Fear, Adapting Quickly & Overcoming Stress
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#4 — Brett Solo­mano — Con­quer­ing Fear, Adapt­ing Quick­ly & Over­com­ing Stress

In Episode 4 I sit down with Brett Solo­mano, an Atlanta-based truck­ing entre­pre­neur, Hol­ly­wood stunt­man, Guin­ness World Record Hold­er, speak­er, author and coach spe­cial­is­ing in con­quer­ing fear.

In this pod­cast episode we chat about:

- Chan­nel­ing fear and con­quer­ing fear 

- Mov­ing over­seas and the often daunt­ing jour­ney of adapt­ing to new environments 

- Rec­on­cil­ing our core val­ues vs conditioning 

- Stress man­age­ment strate­gies and over­com­ing stress 

- Mind­ful­ness tips in extreme situations 

- Entre­pre­neur­ial mind­set tips 

- Over­com­ing per­son­al fears 

- What’s life as a stunt­man like 

- Own­ing a truck­ing busi­ness and thought leadership

So for me this was a great plunge into into lead­ing that eter­nal dance between man­ag­ing fear and stress, and digest­ing the lessons that follow!

Brett and I go way back to our time in the Aus­tralian Army Reserve. Although we’re worlds away from the peo­ple we used to be, it was real­ly spe­cial to dis­cov­er this new side to our authen­tic selves!

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