#3 — Marishka ‘Mish’Chief’ Cross — Big4 Leadership and Celebrating The Side Hustle

In Episode 3 I sit down with my friend Marishka Cross (Mish), a highly-seasoned strategy maestro with a serious side hustle wild side!
In this podcast episode, we delve into:
- Integrating your business identity with your personal identity
- Finding and celebrating your creative self
- Finding the courage to stand out and live true to your passions
- Celebrating excellence and not settling for mediocrity
- How to stop being mediocre with life decisions
- How to juggle work life balance and a side hustle
- Living authentically and in-the-moment
- Corporate life as a strategy leader
- Evolution of corporate leadership at a Big4 accounting firm
By day Mish is a Director of Sales and Pursuits at Deloitte.
By night Mish hosts a radio show at KISSFM and is a well-loved DJ performing under the name Mish’Chief, where she regularly bangs out beautifully melodic techno sets at festivals and clubs across Australia.
I personally know Mish from when we met on a dancefloor about 8 years ago. Although the exact time and place has escaped me, our connection from the very first interaction has not!
She’s bright, vivacious and also a wise soul, which reflects beautifully in Episode 3.
So for me this is a really deep dive into managing the dance between all those beautiful and diverse elements that make up our authentic selves!
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