14 — From Idea to Life-Changing Adventure — Daniel Topor & Anita Musca

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
14 - From Idea to Life-Changing Adventure - Daniel Topor & Anita Musca
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
14 — From Idea to Life-Chang­ing Adven­ture — Daniel Topor & Ani­ta Musca

In Episode 14, we tack­le the big ques­tion: How do go from idea to a life-chang­ing adventure?

We’re com­ing to you from the stun­ning local­i­ty of Broome in West­ern Aus­tralia and we’re so pumped to kick off Sea­son 2—our ‘on the road’ series, all about explor­ing our bold deci­sion to leave our old life, live the nomad life, and face down every doubt—ours and those around us. Plus, our fur­ry side­kicks, Wal­ly the dog and Papri­ka the cat, are along for the ride!

We’ll be mix­ing in some deep philo­soph­i­cal insights with down-to-earth, prac­ti­cal tips, including:

- How we dis­cov­ered and anchored our ‘why’—the vision that dri­ves us.

- How we con­nect­ed that ‘why’ with the ‘how’—from strat­e­gy to implementation.

- How we com­bined our unique skillsets to cre­ate the life we wanted

So, gear up for Episode 14—let’s dive in!

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