#1 — Russ Macumber — Invisible Demons, Role Models & Simplifying The Big Questions

This almost didn’t hap­pen.  Yes, even after after 15 years of fast-paced client-fac­ing advi­so­ry, deliv­ery and pub­lic speak­ing in the cor­po­rate world, I was still almost so ner­vous that I con­sid­ered pulling the pin on Danc­ing With Doubt. It’s a dif­fer­ent beast, these cre­ative projects.  I’ve always thought of myself as pret­ty con­fi­dent and ‘able’, but … Con­tin­ue read­ing #1 — Russ Macum­ber — Invis­i­ble Demons, Role Mod­els & Sim­pli­fy­ing The Big Questions