#8 — Kerry-Ann Powell — Small Business Success in a Recession, How to Build a Killer Team

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#8 - Kerry-Ann Powell - Small Business Success in a Recession, How to Build a Killer Team
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#8 — Ker­ry-Ann Pow­ell — Small Busi­ness Suc­cess in a Reces­sion, How to Build a Killer Team

Ker­ry-Ann is a glob­al CHAMPION of small and medi­um enter­prise and is pas­sion­ate about small busi­ness success!

She believes run­ning an SME does­n’t need to involve a tor­na­do of chaos, and she wants all of us to know there is a bet­ter way to do business!

In this episode we chat about: 

- Why small and medi­um entre­pris­es are vital to the glob­al economy 

- How you can turn an eco­nom­ic cri­sis into an opportunity

- How to main­tain con­sis­tent cash­flow dur­ing a reces­sion, or in uncer­tain times 

- How to cul­ti­vate and attract the right busi­ness partners 

- Impor­tance of busi­ness part­ner­ships, espe­cial­ly for small businesses 

- How to build suc­cess­ful teams as an entrepreneur 

- Exit­ing the echo cham­ber to smash your targets 

- Fun­da­men­tals of scale vs growth 

- Gov­ern­ment influ­ence and how lob­by­ing can affect the busi­ness landscape

- Align­ing your high­er pur­pose to your busi­ness self 

- Ker­ry Ann’s inspi­ra­tional jour­ney in fundrais­ing the Mar­tin Luther King Jr Memorial

On a per­son­al lev­el i’m look­ing for­ward to speak­ing with some­one so fierce­ly pas­sion­ate about ‘the lit­tle per­son’ because after all, hun­dreds of mil­lions of us fel­low humans run, or work for, a small/medium busi­ness, and there’s always some­thing new to learn. 

A Little More About Kerry-Ann

Kerry-Ann’s got 20 years under her belt as a Wash­ing­ton attor­ney, lob­by­ist and fundrais­ing leader…and fair to say she’s prop­er big-time, hav­ing raised a stag­ger­ing $120m to build the Mar­tin Luther King Jr memo­r­i­al in DC. 

These days Ker­ry-Ann is a glob­al speak­er and CEO of Trafal­gar Strate­gies, a glob­al strate­gic advi­so­ry and busi­ness con­sult­ing firm.

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Episode Chapters

0:00 Teas­er

1:16 Intro

3:08 Ker­ry-Ann’s con­nec­tion to SMEs 

8:46 Teach chil­dren busi­ness foundations 

13:16 Why SMEs are Vital 

17:16 Gov­ern­ment influ­ence and lobbying 

25:16 Con­sis­tent cash­flow in uncer­tain times 

27:40 Part­ner­ships are essential 

28:56 (Eco­nom­ic) Cri­sis to opportunity 

41:16 Build­ing suc­cess­ful teams 

44:16 Exit the echo chamber 

45:56 Thriv­ing with a high­er purpose 

48:16 Scale vs Growth 

54:16 Fundrais­ing $120m Mar­tin Luther King Jr Memorial 

68:00 Life advice for 20yo self 

71:16 CTA & how to connect